Thursday, May 19, 2005

Pod People:

As a member in good standing of the Benevolent and Unusual Order of Geeks, it grieves me to admit that I am not one of those slim, hiply-clad and maniacally-boogeying silhouettes from the iPod commercials. Rather, ever since the long-ago days of the Walkman, I have had to wrestle with the urge to pluck out a white glove with which to slap the cheeks of those who get lost in public within their rumbling headsets, serenely isolated as the "windowless monads" of premodern physics. But now the unfortunately named technology of podcasting has come along to stand this stereotype of drum-dazed self-absorption on its ear. For example, you can download many of the programs in the Think Global collaboration for later play on your iPod (if you're a 'pod person) or to your computer (if you are more careful of your antique dignity). A friend of my daughter gifted her with a handknit "cozy" for her iPod--an essay on globalization in itself. And later this summer you will be able to subscribe to a podcast of features from NCPR's regional news.

One must keep up, after all. My lodge-mate, The Right Quirky Brother Bill Haenel, recently cell-phoned me from Massachusetts. "Listen to this," he commanded. "I'm streaming NCPR on my phone's web browser, broadcasting it through the car's fm radio, and sending it back to you via cell phone." I am not worthy.


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