Thursday, November 30, 2006

In the forecast

It may be 60 here today, but it's 17 in Minnesota, heading east, and you know what that means. It means you can finally relax. All those fall chores that have been piling up and hanging over your head—you've put them off just long enough. Now you don't have to sweat about the unraked leaves, the unpicked rock scattered around the bare new leach field, the last few months of blow-down. Touching up the house trim, edging the walk, digging under the squalor left in the flower beds—Fahgedabowdit! Snow hides all sins. Focus instead on the hot chocolate and the knit cozy on the sofa. Trade in the rabbit food for pasta and potatoes. Hunker down. Your spring may be insanely busy, but it probably would have been anyway. And besides—it's months from now. Wonder what's new on the Sci-Fi Channel?


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